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Breast Uplift

Breast uplift surgery, as the name suggests, lifts and firms up the sagging breast. The breast size changes and the breast sags after pregnancy, following weight loss or ageing. The breast skin has been stretched by the increased breast size and/or weight and is not able to shrink back to match the reduced breast size. This results in the breast skin becoming loose and the shape deforming to varying degrees, often like an empty bag. The breast uplift surgery involves the removal of sections of slack/loose skin from under the breasts and may also include repositioning the nipples to give firmer and higher (appropriately positioned) breasts. In the process, this procedure may also remove a few stretch marks and make some of those that remain less noticeable.

Synonyms - Mastopexy


  • You are concerned that your breasts are sagging, or disproportionately lower placed on your chest
  • You are dissatisfied with your breasts losing shape and volume after pregnancy, weight loss, or ageing
  • Your breasts are asymmetric in size or shape

Benefits of Breast Uplift

  • It corrects the droop by repositioning your breast to a more youthful position
  • Increase the fullness and projection of your breasts
  • Reduce the nipple-areola size
  • Improves your body figure proportions
  • Enhances your self-image and self-confidence


After examination and discussion, one of four breast uplift techniques is recommended to you.

Inpatient/Outpatient Procedure

It is an inpatient procedure after which you are sent home in the evening. It sometimes requires a one-night stay in the hospital, or longer if it is combined with other body shaping procedures.

  • Rest: 10-15 days.
  • We usually use absorbable (self-dissolving) stitches and hence there is no need for stitch removal.
  • You can resume your normal routine in 2- 3 weeks.
  • Strenuous activity and exercise can be resumed in 4-6 weeks.
  • Time for scar tissue to heal for up to 18 months.
  • The procedure takes about 2- 3 hours
  • The results are long-lasting.
  • Pregnancy, weight loss and menopause may influence the appearance of uplifted breasts over the course of your life just as they would affect an untreated breast
  • Augmentation Mastopexy (combines breast uplift with breast enhancement)
  • Lower body contouring with Liposuction
  • Tummy tuck
Breast Augmentation

Schedule a Consultation

To schedule a private consultation please call us or request an appointment with Dr. Sandeep Sharma and one of our assistants will be happy to help you.

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